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Friday, 28 July 2017
Health and fitness, MIA
I head on holidays in a week and have now 3 surgeries scheduled for when I return. So for now the exercising will be knocked on the head.
I will try and get some healthy posts up soon.
lots of love
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Review - Skin Nerd cleanse off mitt
I need to start looking after my skin again but that's a whole different post. Back to the review. So it's really weird washing your face without a product, really weird and I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with it if I'm honest. Isn't it gas how warped our brains are. Now you can use a cleanser with the cloth if you chose but its designed so that a cleanser is not necessary.
The Cleanse off Mitt was created by skin therapist Jennifer Rock AKA The Skin Nerd. Its a microfiber cloth with tiny little loops which hook onto makeup and oil on the skin. Its free from any chemicals or irritants to the skin so makes it a great alternative for anyone with sensitive skin.
You literally wet the cloth and wipe your face clean. And ladies it removes full coverage foundation. It has a life span of approx. 3-6 months so you will save yourself a fortune on wipes as this one is only €5, I got mine in Meaghers Pharmacy you can purchase it Here. You wash it afterwards with a bacterial soap and there is a little hook on the side you can hang it up to dry. You can also throw it in the washing machine inside out of course, to protect the little hooks.
I did find that I had a bit of a panda eye in the morning but what ever I use I always seem to end up that way in the morning so it was no different to any other product I use anyway.
And why is it different to a normal face cloth I hear you say? Its the loops / hooks, a normal facecloth doesn't have these so doesn't cleanse the skin as well. Face Cloths are also made from a denser fabric so therefore harbour more bacteria too. I think I may replace all the face cloths in the house with this mitt.
I think this will be great to take away on holiday, lighter option for me too as I will have a case packed with wipes and nappies as it is anyway.
So I'd definitely recommend buying it and giving it a go. And it's Irish! And its Eco friendly too.
Lots of Love
PS any tips on getting my face in better nick drop me a line
Friday, 21 July 2017
Bellamianta Dark Mousse
I tell you the things we do for our blogs! So I done one leg in tan one without just to show you how dark this tan actually gets! And I have to be honest the photo doesn't show it as well as it looks in reality.
I've used Bellamianta now a few times and it is by far my favourite tan to use. I find it a little sticky when its first applied but it doesn't last long at all. It claims to dry in 60 seconds, I didn't time it but I'm sure it was a wee bit longer than 60 seconds. I love that it has a guide colour in it too. I am not mad on tans without it cos I'm not great at applying and nearly always in a rush. I used the sun kissed luxury mitt but the bloody thing has a rip in the top now so I will deffo purchase the Bellmianta mitt now.
Now the bit that sold me, I've very dry skin of late, Bellamianta claims to have an ultra-smart hydration system, I wouldn't say it hydrates the skin really well like a lotion would, but my skin feels much nicer than after I apply some other tan brands. And it definitely wears off really well too. I never once looked patchy. Bellamianta claim no fake tan smell, while it smells lovely while applying, it still has a fake tan smell in the morning. Sorry Bellaminata. I don't think there will ever be a tan which doesn't smell and I've come to accept that.
What I especially love about this tan is its ready to wear, you are instantly tan to a point and it develops over time too so you can manage how dark you want to go. 2 hours for light, 3 hours for medium and 4 hours plus for dark.
I have struggled to find a tan that gives me a dark but golden tan and I swear Bellmianta has been a game changer for my pasty white skin. Yes its more pricey than the cocoa brown but for me its well worth the money. And best of all its made from all natural ingredients!
So there you go. Worth the hype, worth the money and I will deffo repurchase.
Lots of love
Monday, 17 July 2017
My IVF Story - A personal account
Friday, 7 July 2017
Fitness Friday - Quick and easy at home workout
I need to get into shape. I've spent most of my 20's and all of my 30's hating how my body looks. And I'm all about loving the body you have but I don't. And I also want to set a healthy example to my two young girls. I want them to grow up with good eating habits and exercise without feeling like its a I do ha ha ha
I need something which can be done quickly but help burn fat. This is a plan that was put together for me by my husband who knows a bit more about fitness than me :)
I don't have any weights at home so I improvised and used 2 x 1.75ltr bottles of water :)
15 x Lunges with weights
15 x Hip thrusters with weights
Plank x 15 seconds (I know I'm weak :))
15 x press-ups (on my knees for now)
15 x flies
15 x dips
15x squats
15 x bicep curls
15 x shoulder raises
I done this x 2, and done it every second day. And remember to do each exercise slowly with a controlled movement. This is really important. The day after my first workout I could barely walk. I am soooo unfit.
Next week I am going to up everything x 5 reps.
Also always remember to stretch before and after your workout to avoid injuries. This is a really important step! There are some stretches I found really helpful.
Hopefully I can bring in some couch to 5k to this eventually too. Or maybe even a body coach HIIT workout. They are on you tube so handy.
Lots of Love
Urban Decays first ever Boutique in Ireland
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Ah there you are RTC :) |
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Any one for a selfie? |

Monday, 3 July 2017
Mammy Guilt
Some days are harder than others. I often spend a day constantly barking at the kids!
"Don't do that", "don't hit your sister", "don't climb on that", "that's the last time I'm telling you".
Most of us are the same. These little people we created try us so much at times. And then it hits us. Takes hold, that feeling in your stomach.....god all I've done all day is tell them what they can't do or that they are bold. Its horrible. The mammy guilt.
Or the days when you have to get your house work done cos you've been in work all week and you don't have a cleaner or someone to do the laundry so you throw them into the garden or in front of the TV so you can get stuff done. And it hits you, the mammy guilt.
And you read all the Facebook meme's about how time with them is so precious and hold them a little longer, tell them you love them etc etc. And you have a moment and a tear the odd time. And it hits you. The mammy guilt. And it's crap.
I've said some cracking things to my kids and laughed and thought did I really just say "stop standing on your sisters head please" hahaha and you do you say things that you never thought you'd ever come out with.
Long gone are the days when you could sit and do your makeup or hair to perfection. I now share my makeup with a 3 and 1 year old. They insist on doing their makeup too. I let them because I know it's the only way I will get to do mine in somewhat of a peaceful way. Long gone are the days of immaculate makeup palettes some include baby snot and spit. But that's ok. I love them. But of course there are the times that pisses me off too. Because for once I'd like something that was actually just mine and not fecking communal. And that I could do my winged liner which is a pain in the backside anyway without two fecking monkeys swinging out of me whilst I do it. I mean I deserve a fricken medal for that right? And then you give out......and it hits you the mammy guilt.
And dont even get me started on the guilt when you drop them to creche. There they go your most prized possessions into the arms of women who will basically raise them and spend all the time with them that you can't because you're in poxy work!!! And then it hits....the mammy guilt.
And you see it's a vicious cycle the guilt. Because work is a sanctuary at times. You get to be by yourself, drinking hot tea, eating lunch with other civilised humans with knives and forks. Noone calling mama 65 million times in that precious 30 mins. Then the guilt hits you. You miss them.
You collect them, you hug them, you kiss them, you could eat them you love them so much. Then they start and you wish you were back in work 😂😂😂
My point is. You love them, they love you, unconditionally. You need to go to work, you need to clean the need to eat and have a cup of tea. And we shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to have time to ourselves. Because those fucking meme's on the internet as lovely as they are......they aren't real life.....real life gets messy.....real life hurts.....real life feels all the feelings not just the cosy ones.
So yes there will be the mammy guilt......but the mammy love far out weighs the mammy guilt.....and there will always be the mammy love!!!!
Take time out to look after yourself and your mental health. And if that means ironing for an hour because the ironing is getting in on you. Then do it.
Happy mammy = happy kids.
Lots of love
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Competition over on my Facebook
Hi Everyone,
Just in case you don't follow me on Facebook. Head on over for a little competition I'm running. Facebook
Best of luck.
Lots of love